Keeping Up With the Cool GIFs – Week 3

In week 3, the code of points was like

So Oklahoma and Alabama were like

Maggie Nichols got two vault 10s in a single weekend

But Kyla stayed ahead in the 10s fight

Lexy Ramler finally got her first 10

Emi Watterson almost got a 10

Jade Degouveia in-boundsed herself to scale

A typo gave Sierra Brooks 8.850 for a hit and the Big Ten was like

Kambrie Brandt’s feet betrayed her

Kyla Bryant dismounted onto the beam and made everyone go

Andrea Maldonado did a randi

They had babies race each other at Maryland and I was like

Cassie Stevens checked the beam for spiders but it was fine

Elle Golison just wanted OUT OF HERE

And Chris Brooks couldn’t stop talking about farts during the meet

12 thoughts on “Keeping Up With the Cool GIFs – Week 3”

    1. I literally had to google Chris Brooks for his height after seeing that gif, I never realized he was 5’8, in the shorter range of average US height, instead of the typical 5’0-5’6″ range most male gymnasts are.

  1. ISU’s creepy ass assistant coach could be giffed as well. He made this joker smile at a gymnast during her floor routine. I would have been terrified if i were her.

  2. Ramler should’ve won the AA last year 🙁
    she is on par with Kyla and Maggie but thanks to NCAA judging, doesn’t get credit for it.

  3. The Stevens is a very upsetting move and I don’t understand how her kneecaps stay connected so IMO the spiders are heroes for trying to prevent it.

  4. this made my horrible day a million times better. thank you so so much for all you do, spencer.

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