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Keeping Up with the Cool GIFs – Week 4


Rachel Gowey enjoyed beating LSU

Trinity Thomas 10ed so hard she broke Jeremy Miranda

Derrian Gobourne fell, but made it fashion

Ruby Harrold did her best-ever vault and bars in the same meet

Lexy Ramler made a perfect with her bare hands again

Sabrina Vega affirmed she WILL kick your balls off

Josh Overton submitted his tape for So You Think You Can Dance

Cristal Isa announced that candle mounts are over

Cairo Leonard-Baker got 9.825 for this

Then she changed her name to Soonerio Bruin-Floridason and got 9.925

I tried to get Carol’s attention to talk about leaps

But then found a better way to get through the NCAA season

Dana blessed the judges and is praying for them

Nia Dennis’s salute was mostly spinning

Alexis Vasquez posited that standing was harder than aerials

And Kyla was like, “I feel you, girl”

Then Talitha Jones was like, “PISH TOSH THIS IS HOW ONE WOBBLES”

And Sinbad and Snoop welcomed you to Metroplex for some reason????

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