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Things Are Happening – May 12, 2020


A. USA is canceled

USAG announced today that the 2020 editions of Classic and Nationals are officially off and that we all just have to reset for the 2021 editions instead. Sigh. Previously, the party line had been that these events were postponed and that USAG would reassess possibilities for holding them in late summer or fall, but that always seemed like a pipe dream. You can’t really set a date (or venue) for nationals if you can’t set a date for athletes to return to their gyms first.

In a statement, USAG said, “Listen up, pee heads, we have literally no reason to try to organize these meets without crowds because then we can’t charge 8 million gold bars per ticket—or, I mean, after consulting with public health experts and in an effort to protect of our community and the wider world, we will not hold nationals this year.”

This follows what is becoming a pretty familiar pattern where the money sports desperately try to bend themselves into pretzels to get going again this summer, while the no-money sports recognize that they do not have the clout or incentive to make that happen and are refocusing on 2021.

Because it’s about the athletes.

B. Everyone else, also canceled

Since last we spoke re: things and happening, further details emerged about the complaints against Maggie Haney, largely revealing that she’s not just mean but also stupid (I mean, the period stuff, come on). The stories in this article are harrowing to say the least, and I would like to see an official response from those coaches who were rolling around Facebook a couple days ago being like, “IT’S JUST COACHING TOUGHEN UP DON’T QUIT JUHFLRFRRRFFRRR.”

Proposal of the day: This should be the biggest complaint you have about a coach

Sydney Freidin would also like you to know that this is far from a one-coach problem.

C. NCAA developments

The fact that nothing exists anymore has not stopped the usual revolving door of NCAA gymnasts, so here’s a rundown of the latest moves.

Mostly, it’s about Nebraska. So far this offseason, we’ve learned that Abby Johnston is transferring to Arkansas, Kaylee Quinn is transferring to Alabama, and that Ady De Jesus has been dismissed from the team for an undisclosed rule violation. Put that together with the departure of the 2020 seniors Taylor Houchin and Sierra Hassel, and we’re looking at a very different Nebraska squad for…the next time there might be a season. They’ll be relying on former junior elite Kinsey Davis and Canadian elite Chloe Lorange to do a lot right away.

Also, Nebraska…you OK?

In other developments, Hunter Dula has taken a medical retirement at Utah, but Utah also announced that Alani Sabado is joining a year early. Look how that worked out. Sabado was 3rd AA at JO nationals last year in the Junior E division and therefore will basically have never competed as a senior before she starts at Utah.

Our first members of LIU’s inaugural team are also coming in, the name of the group so far being former junior elite Cael Bixler. Bixler was a fetus-verbal to Oklahoma way back in the day, but that never materialized and she didn’t end up signing with anyone at all last November. Exactly the kind of gymnast you’re looking for with a new program. It’s basically a support group for people who were passed over by their dream schools.

Canadian L10 Alana Ricketts is also slated to join LIU’s first class, an athlete who looks like she should have competitive possibilities on vault and floor.

D. GymCastic

Last week’s episode in which we discuss The Haney is available now, and this week’s episode—a commission about fixing NCAA judging—will be available…fairly soon-ish.

Three World Champion Coaches Get Candid GymCastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

Marta Karolyi's last competition as head coach of the U.S. gymnastics team was the 2016 Olympic Games. Since then, everything at USA Gymnastics (USAG) has changed. The biggest sexual abuse scandal in sports history was uncovered and leadership at USAG turned over multiple times. What do the coaches of U.S. World Champions think about the cultural reshaping within USA Gymnastics? The special guests this episode are Cleo Washington, co-coach of 2017 all-around World Champion Morgan Hurd; Sarah Korngold, current coach of team World Champion Shilese Jones; and Owen Field, coach of team World Champion Leanne Wong and also associate head coach at Florida University. Club Gym Nerd members have a mini bonus episode from this interview to enjoy. They discuss: Why Sarah and Owen decided to answer questions on social media Their first experiences with USAG camps from dev to national team The positive experiences they've had at national team camps The changes they've seen over the years and the struggles to gain consensus amongst so many voices How Owen and Leanne Wong navigated the last minute substitution and begin in a confusing vault final reserve situation at Antwerp Worlds in 2023 What surprised them during their first international assignments Injury management and prevention in club, college and under USAG OLYMPIC LIVE SHOW TICKETS ON SALE NOW OLYMPIC TRIALS BONUS PODCAST SCHEDULE Wednesday, 6/26 after podium training (late afternoon/evening) CT Friday, 6/28 after Women's Day One 10:15ish pm CT Join Club Gym Nerd (or give it as a gift!). It includes: Weekly Q&A  Behind The Scenes podcast, dedications, mini-commissions , group commissions, exclusive extended interviews, and College & Cocktails episodes. Plus discounts and first dibs on Live Show tickets and merch. Exclusive VIP section on the message board Forum More goodies: GymCastic newsletters  2024 College & Cocktails menu (including mocktails, of course) GymCastic Fantasy Games GymCastic Store: clothing and gifts to let your gym nerd flag fly and even "tapestries" (banners, the perfect to display in an arena) to support your favorite gymnast! Hats: coming soon. Catch up with these U.S. Championship Links Behind The Scenes: Final Day U.S. Championships 2024 Behind The Scenes: Day One U.S. Championships 2024 Behind The Scenes: Podium Training U.S. Championships 2024 U.S. Championships Preview 2024 Podium training montage here (be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel while you're there) Simone's Press Conference here Photos galleries Full Championship scores Highest scoring team machine from Emily Giambalvo at the Washington Post RECENT EPISODES Behind The Scenes: May 27th New Olympians Qualified Today 2024 U.S. Classic Meet Recap 2024 U.S. Classic: Immediate Post-Meet Reactions Behind The Scenes: Catchup with Scott Bregman  Behind The Scenes: Gabby USAG WTF Hana Ricna RESOURCES & CITATIONS GymCastic Fantasy YouTube Show  Spencer's Clickable Code of Points Gymnastics History and Code of Points Archive from Uncle Tim Follow the effects of the Russian invasion to Ukraine at Gymnovosti The Highest scores, D scores and World Cup rankings at The Gymternet Men's Gymnastics coverage from Kensley Neutral Deductions MORE WAYS TO LISTEN HERE      
  1. Three World Champion Coaches Get Candid
  2. Behind The Scenes: Team and Artistry Q&A with Spencer
  3. 2024 U.S. Championship Recap
  4. Behind The Scenes: Final Day U.S. Championships 2024
  5. Behind The Scenes: Day One U.S. Championships 2024

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