Split Leap (Balance Beam)



Balance beam

Skill type

Known as
Split leap

The more elegant cousin of the wretched, bridge-dwelling split jump, the split leap is the exact same thing except, you know, a leap instead of a jump. (For the uninitiated—leaps are propelled forward from one foot, while jumps are propelled upward from both feet.) The split leap’s lack of stationary status makes it a bit more challenging overall and renders it much more difficult to use as the second element in a combination, which is the most common way of using the split jump.

The split leap is, however, popping up increasingly regularly in Dutch/Russian style mixed series that also include turns and acro thanks to the upgrade to a B value in 2017. Most of them are terrible, but some of them are glorious.

B (2017-)
A (2006-2016)

Because gymnastics is a comedy, not a drama