Stalder Shaposhnikova



Uneven Bars

Skill type
Transition (low bar-to-high bar)

Known as
Stalder Shaposhnikova/Shaposh/Shap

Because of the value of D transitions in the current code of points, the Stalder Shaposhnikova is everything and has spent the last decade transitioning from a rarely performed statement skill to a near necessity.

In more fun with complicated naming, the Stalder Shaposhnikova is commonly known as the Chow, Amy Chow having famously performed it at the 1996 Olympics.

The skill, however, has a dubious naming history because it definitely was performed at worlds by gymnasts before Chow, dating back many years, but isn’t named after any of them either so is named after exactly no one. You will frequently hear this skill called the Chow, but that is not an official designation.

To keep track of the differences among the names, refer to: Shaposhatchev Dictionary


Because gymnastics is a comedy, not a drama