Keeping Up with the Cool GIFs – Week 11

And you won’t BELIEVE what happens when they try to raise a baby together!

Baby on Springboard (Peacock, 2025)

Lacoursears: Undercover Unit (Part 1, Netflix, Fall 2024)

Who has the most artistic beam in NCAA, and why is it Tabitha Yim on the ground?

Nope, and nope, and nope

Anyway, Michigan v Denver was just baseball for a while

And Hutchinson’s kick + Gabby Wilson hugs combination is the best in NCAA

Iowa State and Iowa are fighting it out for the final spot at regionals

But also at the last second George Washington could be like

And one of them will become the highest-scoring team ever to miss regionals

Also Georgia still has a shot at a seeding

Florida was like, in this house we save our balance checks for bars

And…near beam

Cal to LSU, just every week

That thing where you have to present two chalices to the maharaja

It’s because Nebraska’s mascot is the Fingernail Chomper

And now we go to four judges, which will tighten all the scores

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